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Etiquette of providing hospitality to guests

Etiquette of providing hospitality to guests

Hend Ibrahim |

Our guest, if you visited us, you would find us the guests and you the master of the house. This is how guests are received, as the etiquette of providing hospitality to guests reflects the high sense and attention to details that make guests feel appreciated and cared for. Etiquette represents a set of rules and behaviors that aim to provide a comfortable and enjoyable experience for guests during their visit, as the host should show a warm welcome and sincere interest in every visitor who visits his home. Providing hospitality enhances social relations. Through this report, let us learn more about the rules of hospitality.

The concept of guests

Guests is the plural of the word "guest", which means visitors who come to visit people in their homes. Since ancient times, Arabs have been characterized by hospitality, as people were keen to exchange visits to strengthen relationships and know each other's conditions. Arabs used to receive visitors, honor them, and feed them, even if they were strange guests. They would not ask about the reason for their arrival until after the third day of the visit. Thus, generations have maintained respect for guests, receive them with a special reception, and provide them with everything special.

Hospitality Etiquette and Rules

Hospitality is not just providing meals and services, but showing welcome and interest in guests:

  • Avoid asking the guest how long he will be staying in your home.
  • Honor the guest by offering a variety of drinks and appetizers.
  • Arrange the house and make sure it is clean before the guests arrive.
  • Avoid asking about personal matters and embarrassing questions for your guests.

The importance of honoring the guest in the Islamic religion


Honoring the guest is of great importance in the Islamic religion, as offering hospitality is considered a sacred duty urged by the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, reflecting the values ​​of cooperation and mercy that the Islamic religion calls for. Here are some examples that illustrate the importance of honoring the guest in the Islamic religion:

  • Our master Ibrahim welcomed his guests from the angels well, not knowing that they were angels, and slaughtered a calf for them.
  • The Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, urged us to honor the guest in many hadiths.
  • The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, explained that whoever honors his guest will have a reason for increasing his livelihood, as he said: “The food of two is enough for three, and the food of three is enough for four.”

Etiquette of Serving Hospitality to Guests

Etiquette of serving hospitality to guests requires arrangement and planning before the time of the guest’s visit so that you do not feel stressed or anxious, which may make your guest feel uncomfortable. Organize your thoughts and prepare the food and drinks that you will serve to the guests.

How to Serve Juices to Guests

  • Serve juices at the beginning of receiving guests.
  • Ask your guest what he prefers.
  • If a drink with pieces of fruit is served, a long spoon must be served with the drink so that he can eat the pieces of fruit without feeling embarrassed.
  • Make sure to place napkins on the serving table.

How to Serve Tea and Coffee to Guests

  • Usually, after receiving guests, it is preferable to serve tea or coffee if the guests do not prefer to drink juices.
  • Place a table in front of your guests with a teapot or coffee pot with cups so that the guests can reach them easily.
  • Make sure to ask the guests about the amount of sugar in the tea or coffee.
  • Do not forget to serve a cup of water with the tea or coffee.

How to serve food to guests

  • Be sure to plan the menu in advance.
  • Ensure that the dishes are varied to ensure that guests find foods that suit their tastes.
  • Do not start eating before your guests.
  • Avoid insisting that guests eat food that they do not prefer.
  • Ensure that there is enough food for the guests.
  • After finishing eating, do not empty the food in front of your guests.

How to serve sweets to guests

  • Guests will feel interested if you offer them sweets made by your own hands.
  • If you are going to serve pieces of cake, it is preferable to put them on a plate with a suitable size.
  • Sweets are not served on one plate.
  • Serve spoons and forks with the sweets.
  • Serve sweets with a special dessert spoon.
  • Liquid sweets such as creme caramel or Um Ali are served in goita plates.
  • Kahk, petit fours and biscuits are served on plates by presenting them in a special holder and the guest eats what he or she prefers.
  • Be sure to place napkins next to the dessert plates.

How to serve fruits to guests

  • After finishing eating, it is preferable to serve fruits.
  • It is one of the etiquette's of serving hospitality to guests to serve fruit on a special holder that helps guests reach it.
  • Cut fruits into ready-made plates.
  • Avoid serving fruit without washing it well.
  • Make sure to cut the fruit into small, easy-to-eat pieces.
  • Provide a fork to eat the fruit.

Hospitality Tips for Guests

Hospitality for guests requires special attention. As the host, be sure to provide care and attention to everyone who visits your home, by following these tips:

  • Wear appropriate clothing to receive guests.
  • Prepare the place before the guests arrive, make sure it is clean, and make sure the place is comfortable and ready to receive.
  • Welcome guests and warmly welcome them and show how much you care about them.
  • Offer refreshing drinks such as water or juice. You can ask them what they prefer, whether hot or cold.
  • Organize meals. Offer a variety of snacks and appetizers.
  • Pay attention to the small details that make your guests feel cared for and appreciated.
  • Chat with your guests about their conditions and do not interfere in personal matters.
  • Offer simple gifts.
  • Add some fun to your guests' visit by offering some entertaining games or watching a special movie.
  • When your guests leave, show them how happy you are with their visit and emphasize the need to repeat the visit with another.

Guest Farewell Etiquette

Hospitality etiquette is not only in receiving but also in farewell, so you must bid farewell to your guests with no less care than you do in receiving them:

  • Deliver your guests to the door of the house.
  • If they have children who did not come with them, send them some candy.
  • Offer some appropriate phrases to bid farewell to your guests.
  • Thank them for their visit and emphasize your eagerness to repeat the visit again.


In the end, the beauty of hospitality is manifested in the small moments that make a difference in welcoming your guests and making them feel cared for and welcomed, and respecting the etiquette of providing hospitality to guests through ethical behaviors that reflect care and appreciation towards your guests, which enhances your relationship with them, so continue to invite your friends and loved ones to visit you to exchange fun conversations and spend special times.

Frequently Asked Questions

We will learn together about the most prominent common questions that come to your mind regarding the etiquette of providing hospitality to guests:

What is offered first to guests?

Offer a hot or cold drink according to the guest's desire and the temperature of the weather as well, and the choice is between tea or coffee or drinking fresh juices; be sure to offer a cup of water with the drink.

How do I receive my guests for the first time?

Wear appropriate clothes to receive guests; you must open the door yourself for the guests, invite your guests to sit in the appropriate place, and make sure the place is clean and ready to receive guests.

What is offered in hospitality?

Arabs are famous for serving dates with tea or coffee, and they also offer some biscuits or cake as simple appetizers at the beginning of the reception.